Carpatree is a brand created in response to the sports clothes segment, which develops very dynamically around the world. We believe that the days when people wanted to practice sports in boring white shirts and black shorts are long gone and will never come back.
Today design is also important in sport, because an appropriately matched print gives self-confidence, and carefully sewn clothes ensures comfort during physical activity. Carpatree products are unconventional and conspicuous, and they are an excellent solution both for those who train from time to time and those who pursue an active lifestyle every day.
The fashion for physical activity and healthy lifestyle has conquered almost the whole world. However, physical activity is not enough in itself for some people, and our Carpatree sports clothes line is addressed to them. Its full overprint technology allows you to express yourself not only every day, but also during training. You practice sport? Do this in great style!
Creating the clothes that would prove useful in practice required many tests and sewn samples. Experienced persons from the sports industry, including personal coaches and professionals, have tested the solutions proposed by us for many months in order to refine the product to the slightest detail. Eventually, we came up with a series of functional clothes that meets the requirements set by various sports and persons pursuing an active lifestyle. With regard to e-commerce, we have built the entire series in consideration of the mobile-first principle and prevailing trends with the use of multichannel sales techniques.
Our clothes has ideally filled the market gap, which had existed due to the absence of clothes allowing users to express their personality at the time of practicing sport. Having elaborated and tested many new forms, we launched the clothes line that will help every active person get noticed.