Gugu Style is a combination of quality and emotions. Wherever you live, whatever is your name, whoever you are or would like to be – you are yourself. You show your uniqueness in thousands of ways. You can do this most effectively through the clothes that you wear. You will be noticed by crowds. You are no longer anonymous.
Mr. Gugu & Miss Go does not conquer catwalks and prestigious catalogues. This is not what we want. Our goal is to change the image of the streets of Warsaw, Kraków, Poznań, Berlin, Budapest, Barcelona, Athens, Prague. Big metropolises, but also small cities and towns. You will meet Gugu People in all of these places. Incredibly unique. Impudently brave. From the New Style generation.
Help us fulfil the idea to create a colourful world free of sadness, dullness and boredom. We invite you to the world of the Mr. Gugu & Miss Go brand, where you will find all of our projects and become familiar with the unusual design that is followed by crowds. Watch comfortably, choose unhurriedly, buy without risk.
Mr. Gugu and Miss Go was created with a community in mind; it is the community that makes us grow. The community is the best proof of the fact that we are a global brand gathering the biggest group of fans around fullprint clothes. You are important to us. And She is, too. He is, too. All of you are important. We have over 1.5 million fans on Facebook and this number continues to grow.
Mr. Gugu & Miss Go is more than a clothes brand. We do not care about temporary popularity, and our clothes do not decorate the shop windows of biggest chain shops. They could, but this is not what we mean. Mr. Gugu & Miss Go is a dressing style that is also a lifestyle. It is a way to stand out and colour your own environment.